If your wrists feel weak, taking part in a floor-based movement (or fitness) class will probably be a frustrating experience. Even in beginner-level classes, you are likely to find many positions that require you to place some bodyweight through your hands, like:
table (all fours) and cat-cow
downward dog and upward dog
plank and push-up.
If you have trouble holding (or starting in) any of these positions, you are presented with limited options to make things more manageable:
Skip it
Spend less time there and/or
Bend your knees/place your knees down on the floor.
All of these options are valid. They might suit you and what you are trying to achieve perfectly well, and they could be very appropriate ways to keep your body moving while coping with a flare-up, or accommodating an injury. They are not options to be scoffed at, or to make you feel less than.
However (really just a nice way to avoid saying ‘but’), if these are your limited options simply because you don't know what else you could try, keep reading.
This blog series is going to give you some extra and alternative options to consider.
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