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Ashtanga Workshop: Strength

  • Richard Benson Hall 276 Cowley Road Oxford, England, OX4 1UR United Kingdom (map)

This intensive is aimed towards those who would like to delve a bit deeper into their existing Ashtanga practice, or encounter the full primary series for the first time.

Full day: £30 / £24*

AM or PM session: £18 / £15*

*Concessions: Students and members of the Cowley Road Condors cycling club. If you would struggle to attend for financial reasons, please get in touch, we will make it work.

10 am – 12.30 pm: Full Primary Series Led Practice

We will spend the morning steadily working through the entire primary series, breaking down some of the more challenging (and down-right weird) postures into accessible chunks that take into account differing levels of strength and flexibility.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Break for lunch 

1:30 pm - 3 pm: "Strength is not the enemy of yoga"

When speaking of yoga, I often hear people complain that they are 'not flexible enough'. Yet strength is as desirable as flexibility, and in some cases, more so. The afternoon will see us use and adapt primary and secondary series postures as a basis for investigating how we might incorporate more strengthening elements into our individual yoga practice.

Required level of fitness:

Ashtanga Vinyasa is a dynamic and often demanding style of yoga. New students with an established physical yoga practice (of any discipline) are welcome to attend, as are beginners who engage regularly in other types of physical activity or sport. This workshop is not suitable for those who are completely new to yoga, but you can attend one of my regular classes instead.  


It's always nice to use your own mat, so if you already have one, please bring it with you, (alongside any props you usually use, such as belts or blocks). I will have a limited number of spare mats available on the day, these will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. 


Hot drinks, fruit and snacks will be provided during the lunch break to see us through to the end of the workshop. If you think you may require something more substantial to eat, there are plenty of shops and cafes where food can be purchased nearby.

Booking and refunds:

As spaces on the workshop are limited, attendance must be confirmed in advance. To book, please either contact me for my bank details, or you can pay online. Your place will only be guaranteed once payment has been received in full.

Full refunds will be made if a cancellation is received by 14th October (2 weeks in advance). If a cancellation is made after this time, I will issue you with a full refund as soon as someone has filled your space. If your space remains vacant, and your cancellation is received by 21st October (1 week in advance), I will refund you half of the price paid. No refunds will be made if a cancellation is received less than a week in advance, and your place on the workshop remains empty.